Standorte: Köln, Aachen, Bonn, Brühl und Euskirchen Ort der Berufsschule/Ausbildungswerkstatt: Essen und Duisburg Ausbildungsdauer: 3 Jahre Ausbildungsgehalt: je nach Ausbildungsjahr zwischen 1.004 Euro und 1.208 Euro im Monat*, plus 13. Monatsgehalt Dein Profil: abgeschlossener qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss (Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10), Freunde an der Arbeit im Freien, offen für wechselnde Arbeitsorte und -zeiten sowie Nachtschichten, Teamfähigkeit Hier erfährst Du mehr über Deine Aufgaben Als Tiefbaufacharbeiter/Gleisbauer wirst Du auf Baustellen, am Eisenbahnunterbau oder am Eisenbahnoberbau arbeiten. Du erlernst in den ersten zwei ...
Interessieren Sie sich für Embedded Systems? Reizt Sie das Application Development? Sehen Sie Ihre Zukunft im Bereich System Integration? Dann kommen Sie zu FERCHAU, dem Marktführer in Engineering und IT mit mehr als 8.400 Mitarbeitern an über 100 Niederlassungen und Standorten. Hier finden Sie interessante Aufgaben und Projekte in allen Bereichen der IT. Mehr als 2.500 IT-Consultants entwickeln hier nicht nur digitale Tools, sondern auch sich selbst weiter. Geben Sie Ihrer Karriere jetzt den entscheidenden Klick - als Junior Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) Embedded Systems Anspruchsvoll und attraktiv - Ihre Aufgaben können sich sehen lassen. Entwicklung ...
... Strukturierung des Bahnhofsportfolios anhand von Bedarfen, Produktbausteinen, Assets und möglicher Skalierungsroadmaps Berechnung von Business Cases für Produkt-(bündel) und Standortportfolien Aufstellen von Use Cases im Bezugsrahmen der Anschlussmobilität mit Hypothesen im Kontext von Design Thinking, Operations Research und Belegung mit Argumenten und Daten Dein Profil: Du befindest Dich im fortgeschrittenen Studium der Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (BWL, VWL), Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Strategisches Management, Marketing, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Verkehrsplanung, Logistik oder Geographie Hohes Abstraktionsniveau und gleichzeitig hohe ...
... instrument control, data acquisition and evaluation, and data reporting. Located in Germering, Germany, Dionex Softron is a fast-growing and innovative research and development site. Over the past 10 years, the number of our staff has tripled and includes many mathematicians, physicians, chemists, engineers and computer ... for own area including presentation of outcomes - Intensive coaching & feedback culture - Exposure to senior leadership team - Outstanding career and development prospects - Exciting company culture which stands for integrity, intensity, involvement and innovation Please submit a letter/document from University with your ...
... instrument control, data acquisition and evaluation, and data reporting. Located in Germering, Germany, Dionex Softron is a fast-growing and innovative research and development site. Over the past 10 years, the number of our staff has tripled and includes many mathematicians, physicians, chemists, engineers and computer ... for own area including presentation of outcomes - Intensive coaching & feedback culture - Exposure to senior leadership team - Outstanding career and development prospects - Exciting company culture which stands for integrity, intensity, involvement and innovation Please submit a letter/document from University with your ...
... Relationship Management) Sourcing Team as a Junior Strategic Buyer. * You will take over the responsibility for small and medium size CRM projects. * This will include the identification of bundling opportunities, the adaption and implementation of the sourcing strategy, the preparation and execution of tenders, research regarding potential suppliers and market trends. * You will present the results to the management and decision makers within Buyin and the customer organizations. * The new team member will play an active role in our strategic initiatives supplier consolidation, Smart Analytics and SLA standardization. Dein Profil: * You ...
... X Maintenance of our training catalogue and facilitating the development of training materials X Support for employee performance / development processes X Preparation of analysis and business presentations X Research and documentation of personnel development topics X Depending on your performance, you have the chance to work ... Qualifications: X Studies of business administration, psychology or educational science X First professional experience, ideally in HR Management or HR Development X Internationally oriented and interculturally competent X Fluent English language skills, spoken and written X A second language, especially German, would be a ...
... to the clinical studies and global drug development and accountable for complying with those ... - Assists with the scientific review, development, approval, execution and communication of ... clinical research activities. - May lead cross functional teams in development and execution ... 2-5 years of Medical Affairs and/or research and development experience in the biotech/ ... governing clinical trials and experience in development strategy and the design of protocols. - ... of Pharmacovigilance practices for Clinical Development - Must possess excellent oral and written ... skills. - Must have an in-depth understanding of the Clinical Development process for Phase I-IV
Clinical Research - Data Science Netherlands SIRE® is the market leader in Life Sciences recruitment. We believe the recruitment market needs to gear up in technology and continuous ... right career!Our client is a professional Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Clinical Research organisation, based in Netherlands. The Company Our client is a professional Healthcare, ... analysis to support business development - Leading multiple data projects at once - Customizing tools by using your experience in software development - Design, build and deploy reporting ...
Biotechnology - Software & Application Development Netherlands SIRE® is the market leader in Life Sciences recruitment. We believe the recruitment market needs to gear up in technology and continuous innovation. We like technology, in a Life Sciences market driven on science, we ... Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Biotechnology, Clinical Research and Information Technology organisation, based in Netherlands. The Company Our client is a professional Biotechnology, Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical organization, based in different locations in the ...
... organisation, based in Zuid-Holland Netherlands. The Company They are a Biopharmaceutical company that specializes in the development of vaccines to cure infectious diseases worldwide. Role Description You will be responsible for end-to-end operational management of data ... identifies and manages problems in time Requirements - BSc degree or higher in Life Sciences - 8+ years experience in Clinical Research in a Pharmaceutical environment - Projectmanagement skills - Able to work with ICH-GCP, SOPs, local regulations, protocols and specific ...
... France, is Europe's leading research facility for scientific research using neutrons. We host over 2000 visits by scientists per year, who come to carry out world-class research. Are you interested in joining our ... assembly of the monochromators - Maintaining the Institutes monochromators and contributing to the development and design of innovative mechanical systems. Qualifications and experience - NVQ Level 4, BTEC HND (or ... to satisfy the unique and constantly evolving needs of our scientists. Language skills As an international research centre, we are particularly keen to ensure that we also attract applicants from outside France. You must ...
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is a centre for scientific research situated in Grenoble, France. It is Europe's leading neutron science facility. The ILL operates the most intense source of neutrons in the world. ... the source - Write and maintain the technical documentation for the automation software - Assist in the development of specifications for the source's user interface - Consult with your Management and project ... - Experience and/or knowledge in cryogenics would be an advantage. Language skills: As an international research centre we are particularly keen to ensure that we attract applicants from outside France. We expect you to ...
... product strategy development - Define the roadmap of our client's products in close collaboration with Product Management, Product Development and Sales - Deliver the products to market including global pricing strategies - Understand the existing and prospective customer needs, conduct market research and lead ... of the remote access, remote support, collaboration and IoT market and solutions, customer pain points, competition and trends. - Experience with content development for products sold to IT or other technical buyers is strongly desired - Ability to create data-driven go-to-market plans and adjust based on data analysis, ...
... for the business and your team. You are responsible for staff development and report to the Senior VP In Vivo Pharmacology. You are an ... expertise in the field of drug development. You earned your merrits either in an academic research facility, or in a biotech or ... co-ordinate and review the work of your reports - ensure high research quality - ensure a consistent level of technical expertise, ... actively Business Development Managers on a regular basis on selected opportunities - initiate the development and implementation of ... technical capabilities that will impact future customer and research projects - aim for unique technical capabilities and Unique ...
... for the New Product Development team based in Southern Germany. - Manage an inter-cultural, New Product Development team, based in three countries - Set up the strategy for New Product Development in alignment with the ... processes and documentation e.g. test protocols - Liaise with external parties such as universities and research institutes - Work with Marketing and other internal segments to identify new business opportunities by ... - Advanced degree in chemistry, material science or engineering - Several years experience in Business Development/ Product Innovations for non-wovens, textils or speciality papers - Proven leadership skills - Excellent ...
... Sales of customer-specific, OEM instrument module development and manufacturing capabilities to internationally ... in the in vitro diagnostics and life science research markets Europe - Gain new customers and/ or create new ... customers - Development of technical/ commercial customer-specific quotations for the development and production ... in in vitro diagnostics and life science research; proven track record in B2B sales of customer-specific ... research; well established network to key members of in vitro diagnostics and life science research solution ... industry. It provides competitive compensation and development opportunities within a dynamic, challenging and ...
... Sales of customer-specific, OEM instrument module development and manufacturing capabilities to internationally ... in the in vitro diagnostics and life science research markets Europe - Gain new customers and/ or create new ... customers - Development of technical/ commercial customer-specific quotations for the development and production ... in in vitro diagnostics and life science research; proven track record in B2B sales of customer-specific ... research; well established network to key members of in vitro diagnostics and life science research solution ... industry. It provides competitive compensation and development opportunities within a dynamic, challenging and ...
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research development bonn
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Manchmal die Modifikation der Suchkriterien kann auch helfen.
Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 22. August 2017 aktualisiert.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 4249 Arbeitsangebote, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen fast 91,1% fűr die Anfrage research development bonn sind ohne Bilder.
Die populärsten Lokaliesierung sind: Wedemark, Crostwitz, Karlshuld, Königswartha.
Personen, die das Ergebnis research development bonn beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geschaut: verpackung neu ulm, pharmazie bremen, praktikum einkauf nordrhein westfalen.
Die populärsten Suchparameter: Nachtarbeit, Finanzen/ Controlling/ Banking/ Finanzdienstleistung.
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Angebote fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: SOLVIN information management GmbH, Therapiezentrum Oschatz GmbH, xbAV Beratungssoftware GmbH, Qrew.