
quality assurance braunschweig

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA :: Bad Homburg, Hesse :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Mehr als vier Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in der Dialyse, zukunfts­weisende Forschung, Weltmarkt­führer bei Dialyse­therapien und Dialyse­produkten dafür steht Fresenius Medical Care. Drug Safety Associate (m/w/d) befristet bis 28.02.2022 Innerhalb von Fresenius Medical Care hat die Abteilung QREM (Quality, Regulatory Affairs & Management Systems) die Hauptverantwortung dafür, dass das Unternehmen seine Zulassungen für Medizinprodukte und Arzneimittel erhält und aufrechterhält. Als Drug Safety Associate (m/w/d) übernehmen Sie die Registrierung von Arzneimittelrisiken medizinischer Art (Adverse Event (AE), Adverse Drug Reaction ...

Universität Konstanz :: Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up programme, the Excellence Strategy. Most of the research projects conducted at the Chair of Accounting use behavioural experiments and / or analytical models as a basis. Examples for research topics are the effects of audit market regulations on the quality of audited financial statements or the effects of the format used to present Accounting information on the information processing of external addressees. Thus, we encourage applications of candidates with a strong methods background and an interest in Accounting or Auditing research. Your responsibilities In addition to ...

Amazon Logistik Suelzetal GmbH :: Witterda, Thuringia :: seit über 30 Tagen

... across all parties- coordinate between Agencies, Operations, HR, Finance, Security and Training. · Monitor metrics, review unfavorable trends, conduct root cause analysis and implement solutions · Ensure staffing agencies meet contractual obligations and agreed service level agreements · Conduct audits to assess quality of recruitment processes · Co-ordinate regular meetings between agencies and Amazon to drive best practice sharing · Liaise between Agencies and Amazon Finance Department regarding payment and processing of invoices · Understand and have involvement in Workforce Planning requirements- ensure planning team is kept up to date ...


... und schweizweit) unterstützen Sie in kleinen Projektteams die Qualifizierung und Validierung von computergestützten Systemen, das Prozessmanagement sowie das Quality Management im regulierten Umfeld. Weiter agieren Sie als Schnittstelle zwischen Business und IT. IHR PROFIL - Berufserfahrung im Bereich Life Science, insbesondere ... Devices, GxP, GAMP5, CAPA, 21 CFR Part11 und 21 CFR Part 820 - Erfahrungen im Bereich Computer System Validation (CSV), Testmanagement, Quality Assurance / Quality Control / Quality Management - Erfahrung im Bereich Document Management ist ein Plus - Erfahrung im Mentoring von Junior Consultants - Sie sind ein Teamplayer und ...

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temPERSO Rummel & Glass GmbH :: Bremen, Bremen :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Bremen eine/n Supply Quality Manager (w/m) Ihre Aufgaben: - ... suppliers to Product Assurance requirements with agreed ... supplier/product quality surveillance plan, verify ... plan and quality surveillance plans on quality ... supplier product assurance plan, documents and standards - ... of the product assurance requirements by the supplier ... and initiate quality surveillance plan - Follow ... perform and adapt quality surveillance plan, verify the ... through metrics and KPIs, evaluate supplier quality ... Contribute to supply quality improvement - More specifically, ... Supply Chain Quality oder Luft- und Raumfahrt - ... - Person with self-assurance and the ability to make ...

Taledo GmbH :: seit über 30 Tagen

... with donor funds and committed to supporting developing economies, UNDP works to improve access to quality assured supplies in a cost effective and reliable way. TASKS 1. Provides support in implementation of the ... staff, coordination with central/regional/local authorities on space and other administrative matters. Quality assurance of and preparation of correspondence, directives, interoffice memo and other official communication on ... administers and executes processes and transactions ensuring high quality and accuracy of work. Administrative Analyst promotes client, quality and results-oriented approach. Administrative Analyst works in close ...

swisselect ag :: seit über 30 Tagen

... - Experience in Histology fixation, processing, sectioning and staining of paraffin embedded and frozen tissue - Experience in immunohistochemistry, including the establishment and staining of different antibodies, an asset - Experience in standard laboratory practices and an understanding of the concepts of quality assurance and quality control, a must - Experience of laser Capture Micro-dissection, an asset - Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Good organizational skills, communications skills and good team player - Excellent English knowledge, spoken and written - Able to work flexibly in order to provide the ...

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Danaher Corporate Office :: Alsbach-Hähnlein, Hesse :: seit über 30 Tagen

... number: R1120924 Profession: Quality & Regulatory Affairs Diese ... the desired specifications - our promise to our customers that ... plays a central role in this - from development to ... For you, this means: Very diverse tasks in a technically fast ... equipped for your diverse tasks: Together with your colleagues, ... products - especially machines - is also your responsibility. In ... the suppliers in the cause analysis and solution development and ... sources of error and interface problems as early as possible and ... departments in risk assessments and accompanying ... implementation and support of occupational safety inspections and ... the scope of internships Good knowledge of tools, concepts and ...

Poolside AG :: seit über 30 Tagen

... software designs, and implements and tests those designs to meet established requirements Participates in technical/design reviews as required by the project framework Maintains and archives design documents, source code, and other work products necessary for the project As necessary, works independently or with quality assurance personnel to plan and execute product testing As necessary, performs or enables the ongoing support of software through the creation of design documentation or the performance of defect isolation and resolution Works with the author of product documentation to assist in the development and review of product ...

Maximum Personalmanagement GmbH :: Hannover, Niedersachsen :: seit über 30 Tagen

Für unseren renommierten Kunden mit Sitz in Braunschweig suchen wir Software-Tester / Testkoordinatoren (m/w). Ihre Aufgaben: - Erstellung von Testkonzepten - Testfallerstellung - Durchführung von Softwaretests - Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Partnern - Koordination und Führung von Teams (als Testkoordinator) Ihr Profil - ... und / oder Testkoordination - sicher im Umgang mit Testfallerstellung, Testdurchführung und Konzeption - ISTQB-Zertifizierung - Erfahrung in HP ALM / Quality Center wünschenswert - strukturierte Arbeitsweise - Teamfähigkeit Wir bieten: - anspruchsvolle und interessante Aufgaben im Office- und IT-Bereich - individuelle ...

Maximum Personalmanagement GmbH :: Hannover, Niedersachsen :: seit über 30 Tagen

Im Auftrag unseres namhaften Kundenunternehmens suchen wir mehrere Softwaretester (m/w) für die Standorte Hannover und Braunschweig. Ihre Aufgaben: - Softwaretesting - Testspezifikation - Testdurchführung insbesondere für fachliche Tests - Abstimmung und Zusammenarbeit mit der Softwareentwicklung - ggf. Konzeption von ... Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker oder vergleichbare Qualifikation - mindestens erste Berufserfahrung im Bereich Softwaretesting - Kenntnisse in HP Quality Center von Vorteil - ISTQB-Zertifizierung von Vorteil - Teamfähigkeit - Lernbereitschaft - Begeisterungsfähigkeit Wir bieten: - anspruchsvolle und interessante ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... suchen wir Sie als Tätigkeitsbeschreibung Key Responsibilities: - Mangage and support HR system implementations and enhancements globally, in alignment with Global IT - Analyze new HR system demand, change and enhancement requests - Manage HR system requirements gathering, testing activities, business sign-off and quality assurance procedures and standards - Manage and drive implementation of releases and change requests for existing HR systems, in alignment with Global IT - Validate that HR system implementations and enhancements are compliant with global data model and maintenance guidelines, as well as with data privacy regulations - Create and ...

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Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... from briefing, creative and technical development, integration and localization, user testing and quality assurance to post launch A/B testing and optimization - Lead cross-functional Digital teams, including external ... on Digital Experience capabilities/objectives and assure continuous quality improvement - Support the creation of high quality functional design for cutting edge digital campaigns in partnership with the global ... documentation and project plans to a detailed level and derive recommendations to guarantee high quality digital solutions - Ability to travel, domestic or international, as required - Fluent English (verbal and ...

Steinbeis school of International Business and Entrepreneurship :: seit über 30 Tagen

... knowledge in the fields of Accounting & Finance, Consulting, Engineering, Human Resources, Information Technology, Logistics, Marketing & Communication, Quality Management, Sales in a job-integrated study system. During your studies, you will focus on your project and everyday challenges within the company. Are you eager to ... the Global Engagement project team throughout the yearly project cycle * Project planning and tracking, deliverables management and community management * Quality assurance and revision of various project deliverables * Assist with global reporting and deep-dive analysis of survey results * Provide assistance in office management ...

The Scout GmbH :: Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg :: seit über 30 Tagen

Ihre Aufgaben: - Sie sind maßgeblich für den Qualitätssicherungsprozess bei der Entwicklung unserer Software verantwortlich. - Sie definieren die Qualitätsstandards und führen Testverfahren und Testtools ein - Sie koordinieren die Testplanung sowie die Testdurchführung, an der Sie ebenfalls aktiv mitarbeiten - Sie testen unsere Digital Analytics-Lösungen im Hinblick auf Funktionalität, Usability, Sicherheit, Kompatibilität, Zuverlässigkeit und Performance - Darüber hinaus entwickeln Sie unsere automatisierten Testsuiten weiter - Sie agieren als Ansprechpartner für unsere Entwickler und das Produkt Management - Die Analyse und die ...

Philotech GmbH :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... life cycle data and the related tools for development and qualification of the product - Preparation of Quality Management Plan (QAP) - Perform Key Performance Indicator compilation - Input for the SPEC definition and ... the both reviews - Check of the quality-assurance measures as defined - Evaluation of the project configuration inspection activities - Evaluation of engineering quality gates - Join the quality related engineering ... or Dry-Run test - Perform evaluations within the engineering team - Definition, updating and evaluating of quality procedures - Monitor suppliers in order to get contractual obligations fullfilled - Prepare and perform ...

SIRE Life Sciences :: seit über 30 Tagen
SIRE Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical - Quality Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom SIRE® is the ... & Quality Control Expert Responsibilities - Provide ... and for partners such as Quality Control - Execute guidelines and ... in the respective Quality area - Execute the implementation ... Quality representative, to ensure quality system and quality ... according to processes, quality systems and applicable regulatory ... requirements. - Provide quality oversight in term of solving ... Pharmacy; or Quality Management applied to industrial ... companies in the Quality department. Are you interested and ...

swisselect ag :: seit über 30 Tagen

... - Experience in Histology fixation, processing, sectioning and staining of paraffin embedded and frozen tissue - Experience in immunohistochemistry, including the establishment and staining of different antibodies, an asset - Experience in standard laboratory practices and an understanding of the concepts of quality assurance and quality control, a must - Experience of laser Capture Micro-dissection, an asset - Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Good organizational skills, communications skills and good team player - Excellent English knowledge, spoken and written - Able to work flexibly in order to provide the ...


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Weitere Informationen und Statistiken zur Suche: quality assurance braunschweig

Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 2. August 2017 erzugt.

In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 2485 Arbeitsangebote, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.

Die meisten Anzeigen gegen 70,4% fűr die Suchergebnisse quality assurance braunschweig sind ohne Bilder.

Die populärsten Stadtplätze sind: Winsen, Gedern, Wangen im Allgäu.

Personen, die das Ergebnis quality assurance braunschweig beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geguckt: baumarkt villingen schwenningen, staplerfahrer norderstedt.

Die populärsten Suchparameter: Öffentlicher Dienst.

Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Angebote fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: netzwerk - Sozialpädagogische Fachbetreuungen, Gemeinschaftspraxis D. Violeta Claus und Dr. Carsten Claus, noba Normteile GmbH, Tipico Deutschland Marketing und Vertriebs GmbH.