
project quality manager herzogenaurach

OPITZ CONSULTING :: Oberbergischer Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Erfahrungen im Bereich Installation, Administration und Konfiguration von Oracle Datenbanken und Cloud Infrastrukturen überzeugst Du uns. Umfassende Erfahrung im Bereich Oracle Engineered Systems (Oracle Exadata OnPremise und idealerweise Oracle Exadata Cloud) praktische Erfahrungen mit RMAN, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, Oracle RAC, Oracle DataGuard Gute Kenntnisse der Betriebssysteme (insb. Linux, Unix, Windows) sichere Beherrschung von SQL, PL/SQL und Skriptprogrammierung (Shell) ITIL und SLA-basierter Betrieb Gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache sowie projektsicheres Englisch Unsere Benefits vielfältige Fort- und ...

Academic Work GmbH :: Feldkirchen, Bavaria :: seit über 30 Tagen

... summer parties) JOB DUTIES: As Electronics Development Engineer (m/w/d) you are responsible for Development and commissioning of electronic components within projects - Development, assembly and commissioning of electronic hardware for power tools. Focus on power electronics - Close professional cooperation with technical project managers, developers for electronics, mechanics and embedded software - Documentation and discussion of the results in the development environment - The focus of the work is on: Development, construction and commissioning WE ARE LOOKING FOR: - Degree in electronics / electrical engineering or technician (m/f/d) - At least 3 ...

Amazon Logistik Suelzetal GmbH :: Sundhausen, Thuringia :: seit über 30 Tagen

... in the world and we distribute millions of products each year to our loyal customers. As Workforce Staffing Manager, you will support Amazon's transportation and logistics teams' business needs for temporary hourly ... agencies meet contractual obligations and agreed service level agreements · Conduct audits to assess quality of recruitment processes · Co-ordinate regular meetings between agencies and Amazon to drive best practice ... would have a direct effect on future orders for the suppliers concerned. · Excellent project management skills. · Flexibility in working hours is essential as would need to be available to work with agencies and the ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... IT - Analyze new HR system demand, change and enhancement requests - Manage HR system requirements gathering, testing activities, business sign-off and quality assurance procedures and standards - Manage and drive implementation of releases and change requests for existing HR systems, in alignment with Global IT - Validate ... and Experience / Minimum Qualifications: - University Degree or Equivalent (MBA, Diploma, BA, etc.) - 3-5 years of work experience within the field of HR systems, ideally within an international matrix organization - Initial project management experience - Excellent command of English - Excellent knowledge of MS-Office applications

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Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... and technical development, integration and localization, user testing and quality assurance to post launch A/B testing and optimization - Lead cross-functional Digital ... capabilities/objectives and assure continuous quality improvement - Support the creation of high quality functional design for cutting edge digital campaigns in ... review functional documentation and project plans to a detailed level and derive recommendations to guarantee high quality digital solutions - Ability to travel, ... for a global brand or media/agency network) - Strong knowledge of Project Management methodologies (PMI certified and Agile practitioner are considered a plus)

STAR Oil Gas Power Nord GmbH :: Hamburg, Hamburg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... You will be working on location at the shipyard with the Project Manager. Youll work on cable lay outs, as build drawings and ... supply amount, budget and applicable quality demands in cooperation with the project leader and external systems on board of the ... further attention During the entire project working together with the project manager where you have the technical responsibility; ... with interior- and exterior designs Discuss project planning with project manager and communicate required resources for coming to ... inform project management in this regard and consider new products through further discussion Consult with project leader about ...

Taledo GmbH :: seit über 30 Tagen

... and Logistics Manager (m/f/d) Standort: ... to improve access to quality assured supplies in a ... in Business Unit and Project operations. Provision ... and evaluation, quality and performance ... and provision of high quality results and services of ... & Logistics Manager who will be responsible ... & Logistics Manager. Under the guidance and ... and the Procurement Manager should be able to apply ... / Logistics Manager directly affects the ... region and specific project initiatives, in regards ... service provider in project services and ... development and project services in the given ... / Logistics Manager will work in close ... the Business Units and Project Managers and report to ...

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MINT Solutions GmbH :: Ingolstadt, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... (v.a. Radar u. Kamera) entwickelt, um schrittweise dem Ziel des autonomen Fahrens näherzukommen. Werden Sie aktiv und steuern als Senior Project Manager ein Multimillionenprojekt in der Vorentwicklung im Audi-Umfeld!Ihre Aufgaben - Leitung eines Gesamtprojektteams sowie Verantwortung für die Projektplanung, ... zu allen relevanten Stakeholdern - Erarbeitung und Präsentation von kontinuierlichen Statusberichten für den Kunden - Projektmanagement hinsichtlich Time, Quality und Cost - Verantwortlich für die Betreuung des Kunden als zentraler Hauptansprechpartner für alle Belange - Hauptverantwortlich für die termingerechte Fertigstellung des ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

Kommen Sie zu Lorenz, dem führenden regionalen Personaldienstleister im Office-Bereich in der Metropolregion. Festanstellung, innovative Projekte, echte Chancen für Ihre berufliche Entwicklung, eingebunden in renommierte Kundenunternehmen der Region. Für unseren international tätigen Kunden, einen der Global Player der Sportartikelbranche mit Sitz im Raum Erlangen, suchen wir Sie als Tätigkeitsbeschreibung - Unterstützung von Projektmanagement und Projektteam im daily business, insbesondere bei der Verfolgung/Umsetzung von Projektinhalten und -zielen, Meilensteinen und Vorgehensweisen für das jeweilige Projekt bzw. Programm - Teilnahme an ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... optimization from requirement definition to project planning (scope, time and budget) and RFQ project execution support till implementation - Define and develop ... of contract logistics/fulfillment center process is a plus - Knowledge in project and change management: Ability to effectively manage projects - Team player, ... / E-COM platform provider or Transport & Logistics business. - Project management experience with a focus on e2e process, system and SLA implementation ... project and supply chain management - Experience in multi-national transportation/contract logistics environment - First project management experience amid ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... & Compliance initiatives (incl. dashboards) - Support the supervisor in the process to define project portfolio and to ensure the execution of core projects. - Manage small sized projects from concept to ... groups - Develop executive level presentations, and balanced score cards - Drive regional topics of Herzogenaurach headquarter locations and the European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg - Execute internal and external ... Experience / Minimum Qualifications: - 3-5 years relevant work experience - Functional experience in project management - Top quartile performance within peer group throughout education and career - University degree in ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... - Excellent language proficiency; multi-lingual abilities in another languages preferred - A 4-year degree from an accredited college or university with emphasis on the areas of business, economics, logistics, planning, supply chain, information systems, or operations; MBA a plus - 2-3 year work experience, ideally in an apparel/fashion supply chain management or a fast moving logistics environment, particularly related to supplier/contract, project and supply chain management including an overall logistics responsibility. - Experience in multi-national transportation logistics and project management with the drive and energy to implement change.

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Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... support to the project team in the clarification of ... for a particular project or program. This includes ... logistics of the project (e.g. making agendas, ... to be used for the project, laying out reports, preparing ... are related to the project or program. - Access databases ... and present project proposal ideas. To develop such ... the project along with the project manager. Assess work ... the project manager and update the project plans, if ... project. - Act as a liaison between project/program ... - Ensure continuous learning with respect to project ... the monthly project cost reporting and ensure ... occur from the project team (e.g. travel costs, etc.). ... of progressive work experience in project management.

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Tätigkeitsbeschreibung Key responsibilities: - Assist the Service Desk Operations- and Transition Managers in all daily operational tasks as listed below and act as a stand-in - Day to Day monitoring of the external providers service delivery and SLA fulfillment - Incident- and Problem Management - Knowledge- and Quality Management between adidas and external service provider - Point of contact for the Business user community in all IT-related inquiries - Handling of escalations and interface between Business users, IT-departments and external Service Desk - Handling of internal demand for new support processes, services and changes and their ...

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... art project management methodologies and enforce project standards - Support in developing full-scale project plans and related communication to all stakeholders - Support in planning and scheduling project timelines, ... spaces (e.g. SharePoint) - Support other projects and processes within the department by offering project management support - The role will also require close interaction & co-ordination with external consultants ... English (written and spoken) - Very good presentation skills - Excellent PowerPoint, Excel and MS Project skills - Ability to quickly learn and adopt new tools - Basics of management/project management and process knowledge

Lorenz Office GmbH & Co. KG :: Herzogenaurach, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... the process of setting the targets of the strategic Playbook 2018 initiative leads - Be part of the project team to organize a Finance & IT Senior Management Team event around the presentation of the Playbook 2018 - ... degree or professional certification desirable - 3-8 years of relevant working experience within a project driven work environment - Solid Finance understanding Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: - Deep business ... of the complexity, interactions and dynamics within an international company - Experience in Project Management - Very good communication skills for persuasion and convincing others - Business fluency in English ...

KCIG Engineering GmbH :: seit über 30 Tagen

... to providing the uppermost level of quality standards and service within a ... clients in the Development phase in Project Management, Engineering, Business ... Management. In your role as Project Manager you will support the ... objectives, regarding cost, quality and timing. Your main tasks will include ... in order to achieve project objectives. - Support project management in ... processes and project stages - Analyse and plan project flow and deadlines ... cost and quality control - Monitor the achievement of project milestones - ... them engineering design, finance, quality, manufacturing (production), ... - First working experiences in project management within R&D of the ...

Steinbeis school of International Business and Entrepreneurship :: Heidenheim an der Brenz, Baden-Württemberg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Projektthemen wie z.B. Accounting & Finance, Consulting, Engineering, Human Resources, Information Technology, Logistics, Marketing & Communication, Quality Management, Sales etc. berufsbegleitend zu vertiefen. Während des Studiums stehen Ihr Projekt und Ihre Herausforderungen im Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt. Macht es ... regelmäßig 1x pro Jahr umgesetzt werden (in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Geschäftsführung). Aufgaben: * Unterstützung der GD HR Project Manager Voith Hydro bei: * a) der Konzeption des Business Forums * b) Abstimmung mit der Geschäftsführung * c) Festlegen von Themen und Methoden, sowie Erstellung von Materialien * d) ...

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Merk dir! Next-Jobs ist ein kostenfreies Jobsportal, das eine Menge von verschiedenen Arbietsanzeigen in deiner Gegend präsentiert. Wenn du project quality manager herzogenaurach suchst, ist das genau das ideale fűr dich. Du findest bestimmt etwas fűr dich. Wenn du nichts Entsprechendes fűr dich gefunden hast, GIB NICHT AUF! Wenn du unsere Benachrigtigungen bekommen willst, musst du dich einloggen. Du erhältst kostenlose, aktuelle Arbeitsangebote, die wir extra fűr dich vorbereitenwarden.
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Weitere Informationen und Statistiken zur Suche: project quality manager herzogenaurach

Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 20. August 2017 erzugt.

In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 7935 Arbeitsangebote, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.

Die meisten Anzeigen gegen 58,1% fűr die Suchergebnisse project quality manager herzogenaurach sind ohne Bilder.

Die populäre Lokaliesierung sind: Bad Wörishofen, Ellerau.

Personen, die das Ergebnis project quality manager herzogenaurach beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geschaut: junior java dresden, umweltschutz freiburg, techniker kraftfahrzeugtechnik analyse bayern.

Die häufigsten Suchparameter: Freiberufler / Selbständigkeit / Franchise, Marketing/ Kommunikation/ Werbung.

Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Angebote fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: CONTENTSERV GmbH, Klinik St. Blasien, Küppersbusch Food Service Equipment.