... in Munich, Germany Expires at: 2020-12-17 To strengthen our team we are looking for a Software Engineer (m/f/d) to start as soon as possible. Our daily business will involve: Building a highly available and scalable IoT platform, capable of connecting millions of embedded devices using Spring Boot and Grails 3 Operating multiple services using containerization technologies, leveraging the latest AWS services, and deploying new versions into production multiple times a day Collaborating on concepts for new product features with colleagues from other teams, presenting the concepts to stakeholders within the company and finally bringing them ...
... zu den zehn größten IT-Service-Providern Deutschlands. Wir suchen authentische IT-Liebhaberinnen, die ihre Leidenschaft mit uns teilen wollen, auf der Suche nach anspruchsvollen IT-Herausforderungen sind und Deutschlands IT gestalten möchten. Der Bereich Shared Service Delivery (SSD) ist das Herzstück des Chief Operating Office (COO) und hat die Aufgabe, einen störungs- und unterbrechungsfreien Betrieb unter Beachtung von Effizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit sicherzustellen. COO SSD CO CM PVDE betreibt die Kommunikations-Services (Phone & Video) im Kundenbetrieb und in der internen IT. Dies beinhaltet die nationale Festnetz- und mobile ...
... identified certifications are preferred Knowledge of Network troubleshooting, including connectivity issues, VPN software, relational databases, supporting remote users Knowledge of Java, SQL and/or Python is a plus Familiarity with Sybase, MSSQL and/or Oracle would be preferred Proficient with troubleshooting all Windows Operating systems Ability to communicate clearly and professionally, both verbally and in writing in English is required Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in German Outstanding customer skills, with the ability to empathize and professionally troubleshoot and resolve customers issues We offer: A full time position ...
... Automatisierungstechnik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation - Mehrjährige Praxis im Bereich Software-Entwicklung für Embedded Software, idealerweise im automotiven Bereich - Berufserfahrung in der Mitarbeit in Software-Projekten mit mehreren Mitarbeitern - Vertraut mit 'real time operating systems' auf Embedded Controllern - Sicherer Umgang mit modernen Software-Entwicklungstools sowie mit einer der Programmiersprachen C, C++, EC++, Visual Basic, C# - Fundierte Anwendung von UML und XML - Kompetenzen in der GUI-Entwicklung in Embedded Systemen - Know-how im Bereich der Mikroprozessortechnik sowie Displaytechnologien - Wissen ...
... provides a complete portfolio of mobile, fixed and converged network technology, as well as professional services including consultancy and systems integration, deployment, maintenance and managed services. It is one of the largest telecommunications hardware, software and professional services companies in the world. Operating in 150 countries, its headquarters are in Espoo, Finland. To do - Approximately 1000x machines to be logged in New Inventory Tool - Lab Maps to be updated/integrated into Visio - IP Domain Migration - Windows installations Required skills - Knowledge of Microsoft Office / Project / Visio - Basic knowledge of Computer / ...
... deployment, maintenance and managed services. It is one of the largest telecommunications hardware, software and professional services companies in the world. Operating in 150 countries, its headquarters are in Espoo, Finland. To do: - Coordinate testing efforts, including creation and execution of test plans, test case ... Required skills: - Automation & Software Development (C++, Python) - Experience in testing embedded software systems - Experience with Unix / Linux operating systems - Passion for product quality - Strong desire to work in a fast-paced, start-up setting - Understanding of test methodology - Enthusiasm to contribute to ...
... mit Sitz im Raum Erlangen, suchen wir Sie als Tätigkeitsbeschreibung - Translate inbound requirements of Companies regions and markets into service deliverables from an operations and systems point of view with nominated transport providers. Document the process requirements and service deliverables in Standard Operating Procedures and/or Service Level Agreements and ensure that the agreed processes and services are implemented and executed successfully in the day-to-day operations and within the scope of contractual agreements. - Manage the proper execution of transportation processes from factories to arrival at DCs across all modes of ...
... failures like RF scanners, printers, PCS etc. - Prepare system and performance tests where necessary - Manual software installation where applicable & Altiris delivered packages (automated) - Support of basic MS-Windows & MS-Office setup Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: - Detailed knowledge of Microsoft operating systems (client- and Server environments), network protocols as well as Microsoft office products. - Detailed knowledge about PC hard- and software standards and components. - Experienced in Internet-, E-Mailing usage and standards. - Good knowledge of Microsoft Office Professional. - Good knowledge of Service Desk tasks and key ...
We are a recruitment agency with a focus on jobs in the logistics industrie. Our customers are global operating logistics company, for whom we are searching for highly qualified personnel. As a neutral link between candidate and client we represent the absolute neutrality of both parties. After a careful examination of the profile and and comparison between the skills of the candidate and the requirement of the vacancy , we will be able to give more information about this vacancy. No data and documents will be forwarded to our clients without an specific permission of our candidates. Schwerpunkt / Focus: We are looking for sales oriented leader from ...
... Together with its customers and sales partners, Allianz is one of the strongest financial communities with a presence in over 70 countries. Around 83 million private and corporate customers rely on Allianzs knowledge. Our ambition is to be the partner of choice - with excellent employees, top-notch operating performance and the necessary financial strength. Allianz SE is the global headquarters of the Allianz Group. Our employees reflect the Groups geographic and functional diversity in Munich. Here in Munich Group Privacy & Data Protection is a small team of 5 individuals from 4 different nationalities. We communicate in ...
... Unternehmensprofil: Together with its customers and sales partners, Allianz is one of the strongest financial communities with a presence in over 70 countries. Around 83 million private and corporate customers rely on Allianzs knowledge. Our ambition is to be the partner of choice - with excellent employees, top-notch operating performance and the necessary financial strength. Allianz SE is the global headquarters of the Allianz Group. Our employees reflect the Groups geographic and functional diversity in Munich. For this project you will be joining the Global Engagement Team in Group HR in order to support in various tasks related to the set-up ...
... Unternehmensprofil: Together with its customers and sales partners, Allianz is one of the strongest financial communities with a presence in over 70 countries. Around 83 million private and corporate customers rely on Allianzs knowledge. Our ambition is to be the partner of choice - with excellent employees, top-notch operating performance and the necessary financial strength.Allianz SE is the global headquarters of the Allianz Group. Our employees reflect the Groups geographic and functional diversity in Munich. The team Regulatory Technology is young, dynamic and international. We work with multiple departments and teams within Allianz Group and ...
... to our customers platform: - in developing draft documentations - for knowledge Transfer - in shadowing and reverse shadowing The target of the consultancy is the implementation and operation of the transferred business treasury applications. Activity description: - Treasury-Clients - Network Connections - Hardware - Operating System - Database Systems - Fileserver and Middleware - Applications (internally hosted) - Back-up/Restore - connections to external parties and their platforms (SaaS solutions, Dealing platforms, stock markets, SWIFT-Service Provider, Bloomberg, Reuters) - Archiving Skills: - International Project: good English talking & ...
- Support the Client and Retail computing environment within the scope of Operating Systems - Microsoft and 3rd party application patching including WSUS integration into SCCM - 3rd Level support responsibilities - Implement solutions that support the Desktop Infrastructure environment - Manage image delivery with SCCM, MDT, PXE, as well as virtual environments such as Citrix, XenDesktop, VMWare Qualifikationen: - Expert leadership within project teams - Very good knowledge of the application deployment life cycle with strong analytical and social skills and with the ability to view issues from a business perspective - Knowledge of SharePoint from a ...
... Ihre konkreten Aufgaben und Anforderungen finden Sie auf den folgenden Registern. Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit im Bereich Embedded Software-Entwicklung Im Großraum Frankfurt / Babenhausen P-41 Student/in für Abschlussarbeit Ihre Aufgaben: - Programmieren von Applikationen unter Linux oder einem Embedded Operating System - Entwickeln eines neuen Features bzw. Programmes - Erstellen von Requirements für Design und Implementierung - Aufwandsabschätzung der einzelnen Aufgaben Ihr Profil: - Student (m/w) im Bereich Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Nachrichtentechnik oder einer vergleichbaren Studienrichtung - Große Automotive-Affinität - Gute ...
... Java/Swing - Handling of relational and document oriented data bases (NOSQL) for archiving of data objects - Documentation of interfaces and workflows Your profile: - A degree in a computer science, electrical or telecommunication engineering is required. - Profound knowledge in java programming, software design and test, operating system Linux and Windows - Basic data base knowledge - Knowledge in the design of user interfaces Unser Angebot: Als inhabergeführtes, mittelständisches Unternehmen stehen wir für flache Hierarchien, offene Kommunikation, eigeninitiatives Handeln und eine familiäre Arbeitsatmosphäre. Flexible Arbeitszeiten sind dabei ...
... possess experience (at least 1 year) with IT and likely to have worked for an IT solutions provider, EPC, Plant Owner Operator, or technology consultancy. - You will preferably be degree qualified in mechanical, chemical, analytics and measurement or have a professional qualification. - You will be skilled and experienced operating at a range of levels from end user to senior decision makers within our target client base, aligning client business needs with our technology solutions. - You will have sound commercial and analytical skills to help identify market trends and opportunities for your nominated territory, refining business and account plans ...
... von Klinischen Bewertungen - Sicherstellung von Konformität und Aktualität der Arbeitsabläufe rund um das klinische Bewertungsmanagement - Entwicklung bzw. Mitgestaltung einer optimierten Logistik rund um den Prozess der klinischen Bewertung - Erarbeitung und Weiterentwicklung von internen Prozessen und Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) zu dem Projekt Klinische Bewertung - Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung für Medizinische Information zur Sicherstellung des up-to-date-Status der klinischen Bewertungsdokumente - Kontinuierliche Pflege von Projektplänen für die Dokumente des Zuständigkeitsbereiches - Wahrnehmung der medizinisch-klinischen Expertise ...
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Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 14. August 2017 erzugt.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 1198 Arbeitsanzeigen, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen gegen 64,6% fűr die Anfrage operating ulm sind ohne Bilder.
Die populäre Stadtplätze sind: Achstetten, Langerwehe, Weihmichl, Bendeleben.
Personen, die das Ergebnis operating ulm beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geschaut: automobilhandel munchen, tagesmutter babysitter jenalobnitz.
Die häufigsten Suchparameter: Selbständige / Freelancer, PR / Journalismus / Medien.
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Anzeigen fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: SEMO Personal-Service GmbH, Ros Fliesen & Estrich GMBH & CoKG, Das Bonner Lerninstitut, JOSEF VOM HÖVEL Rheinischer Hebezeug-Vertrieb GmbH.