... office arrangements A fair salary plus many additional benefits Would you like to be a part of our continued success story? We look forward to your application including your CV and salary expectations. Please apply at [Apply online]. If you have any questions, our contacts will be happy to help: Stefan Kapfer Personnel officer recruiting +49 89 4161 411-721 Xing Martin Rottler Head of development & service +49 89 4161 411-615 Xing Experienced Frontend Developer (m/f/d) Python Django React Festanstellung Vollzeit yourfirm GmbH Home Office Informatik Programmiersprache Webentwicklung programmieren Internet ...
... Passagier- und Flugzeugabfertigung an. Unseren über 1.900 Mitarbeitern an 14 deutschen Flughäfen vertrauen bereits mehr als 130 Fluggesellschaften. Die AHS zeichnet sich durch konstantes Wachstum aus, dafür suchen wir an unseren Standort Frankfurt weitere Kolleg/innen zur Unterstützung. Was sind meine Aufgaben? Als Duty Officer (w/m) Passenger Services sind Sie der direkte Ansprechpartner für unsere Check-In Mitarbeiter und Kunden. Sie stellen vom Backoffice aus das Bindeglied zwischen Kunden, Mitarbeitern und Fluggästen dar. In einem internationalen Team sind Sie der Garant für den reibungslosen Ablauf. Weitere Aufgaben sind unter anderem: ...
... Mission Segment elements, ranging from minor software patches to large-scale system upgrades - Be responsible for anomaly investigation, tracking and follow-up activities - Be responsible for the status of the Flight Operations Plan, Ground Operations Plan and Mission Operations Plan - Support a regular on-call service as Duty Operations Manager for the system - Interface with other internal and external teams Skills: - Degree in mechanical or aerospace engineering - Several years of experience in the aerospace sector - At least 4 years of experience in relevant technical management positions - Experience in Galileo operations or engineering ...
Unser Kunde ist eine international agierende, renommierte Privatbank, für die Niederlassung in Frankfurt suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Junior Compliance Officer (w/m) Ihre Aufgaben: Unterstützung der Senior Compliance Officer in folgenden Bereichen: 1. Compliance: - Treffen von Vorkehrungen und Überwachung gesetzlicher und aufsichtsrechtlicher Anforderungen in den Bereichen KWG, WpHG, KAGB, MaComp - Beratung der Fachabteilung in compliance-relevanten Fragestellungen (bspw. hinsichtlich den Bestimmungen zum Anlegerschutz, der Prüfung von Angemessenheit und Geeignetheit, zu den Themen Best Execution, lnteresenskonflikte, Mandate, ...
Seit 1990 vertrauen renommierte Unternehmen rentaman die Besetzung ihrer Stellen an. rentaman hat in dieser Zeit vielen qualifizierten Mitarbeitern und Bewerbern zu einem Sprung auf der Karriereleiter verholfen Für eine internationale Bank in Frankfurt am Main suchen wir ab sofort eine/n Compliance Officer (m/w) Ihre Aufgaben: - Compliance bedeutet die strikte Einhaltung von gesetzlichen und aufsichtsrechtlichen Vorschriften, von beruflichen und ethischen Anforderungen, aber auch von Richtlinien der Konzernspitze - Durch präventive Maßnahmen sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Mitarbeiter/innen der Bank nicht gegen die oben genannten Vorschriften einhalten - ...
... Safety Unit at meetings with the ASN Commission (collège des commissaires). You will liaise with the Quality, Risk Management and Nuclear Safety Unit (CSQR), which reports to the ILL Director. Once you have received the necessary authorisation, you will be included in the Reactor Divisions emergency response on-call duty rota. You must have the necessary professional experience in nuclear techniques to be operational immediately. Qualifications and experience: You have a Masters degree in engineering (or equivalent qualification) and at least 10 years professional experience in the field of nuclear safety or the operation of a nuclear facility. ...
... support of system components in the field of information, simulation and electronics for the aerospace industry as well as the security industry. We are looking for a reliable and clever personality for the expert team for IT security at the sites in Zurich or Berne as The Information Security Officer (ISO) supports the Chief Information Security Officer in his overall responsibility for information security at a group level and ensures the exchange with ISOs of other units. Your activities and responsibilities are: - Take charge of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at group level - Define information security policies and ...
In this position you lead a team of 10 scienitsts within the therapeutic area of metabolic complications, in particular kidney disease and fibrosis. Your main duty is to provide scientific, strategic, and operational leadership for the business and your team. You are responsible for staff development and report to the Senior VP In Vivo Pharmacology. You are an experienced Senior Scientist or Group Leader with strong, proven leadership skills. You have a proven track record of in vivo phamacology and drug expertise in the field of drug development. You earned your merrits either in an academic research facility, or in a biotech or pharmaceutical ...
Auf Basis der strategischen Vorgaben des Aufsichtsrates betreuen Sie das Anlageportfolio dieser sehr gut positionierten Vorsorgeeinrichtung. Sie machen Vorschläge für die taktische Allokation, prüfen Investmentangebote, verhandeln, erteilen und überwachen Aufträge an externe Partner und berichten die Ergebnisse an die Führungsorgane. Koordination, Steuerung, Überwachung, Reporting sowie die operative Umsetzung der Beschlüsse der Anlagekommission darin liegen die Schwerpunkte Ihrer zukünftigen vielfältigen Aufgabe. Die fachlichen Voraussetzungen bilden eine höhere Ausbildung und/oder eine finanzfachspezifische Weiterbildung (CFA, AZEK, o.Ä.) ...
Client: Leading and well established swiss bank with an international presence. Position: Analysis of circulars, regulations and directives, and assessing their impacts Review of the risk management framework Organization and preparing of various committees Leading various projects Profil: - Master degree in economics/finance or equivalent - Previous experience of at least 3 years in a risk/governance position in the banking industry or in banking audit - Very good knowledge of bank governance and regulations - Proven experience in banking risks - Very good command of French and English - Analytical and critical thinker - Commitment to ...
... established since many years on the Geneva market place as well as a very strong presence globally. Position: Are you frustrated in your current compliance role and open to a change? Due to increase in work and a successful and busy team work atmosphere, these are all new positions coming in at the mid to senior compliance officer level. All the roles are newly created and the teams are going from strength to strength and provide a happy and busy place to work. So if you are looking to change employers and progress, please apply! The roles range from those in the account-opening team, through to interesting roles in the review team for PEPs primarily ...
Kunde: Unser Kunde, Trianon SA, ist das führende Schweizer Unternehmen für Business Process Outsourcing im Personalbereich (Vorsorge- und Saläradministration, Personenversicherungen & Absenz Management) und bietet Unternehmen einzigartige und innovative Dienstleistungen an.Seit Januar 2016 ist Trianon eine Tochtergesellschaft der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Holding AG in Bern. Trianon beschäftigt heute mehr als 150 Mitarbeiter in der Schweiz. Aufgaben: - Manuelle Erfassung von Salär- und Personaldaten oder Übernahme aus Fremdsystemen - Komplette Lohnverarbeitung für die anvertrauten Kunden inkl. Jahresabschlüsse - Erstellung der ...
... have a broad depth in this role, with the ability to really learn and progress as well as seeing "the big picture". Position: Have you gained your first experience within investment controlling in the UCITS funds space and are looking for a new challenge? Joining a busy, small team, reporting to the Chief Risk Officer, you will support the risk management team for the production/analysis of risk data and compliance controls - in particular value at risk, stress tests, liquidity issues, investment controlling of the UCITS funds. Your duties, will include, but not limited to: - Monitor and maintain risk databases as well as administer risk ...
... with stakeholders, particularly management, relationship managers, operations, supporting functions and others. Profil: Higher Education (FH/University degree in economics or law or specific Compliance training, e.g. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Compliance Management). At least 5 years working experience as Compliance officer in the banking industry and specialist know-how in finanial crime, particularly AML/KYC/KYT monitoring, along with a thorough knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements in combination with a solid understanding of a good compliance culture. Strong analytical skills and mind set with the ability to work thoroughly, ...
... support of system components in the field of information, simulation and electronics for the aerospace industry as well as the security industry. We are looking for a reliable and clever personality for the expert team for IT security at the sites in Zurich or Berne as The Information Security Officer (ISO) supports the Chief Information Security Officer in his overall responsibility for information security at a group level and ensures the exchange with ISOs of other units. Your activities and responsibilities are: - Take charge of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at group level - Define information security policies and ...
In this position you lead a team of 10 scienitsts within the therapeutic area of metabolic complications, in particular kidney disease and fibrosis. Your main duty is to provide scientific, strategic, and operational leadership for the business and your team. You are responsible for staff development and report to the Senior VP In Vivo Pharmacology. You are an experienced Senior Scientist or Group Leader with strong, proven leadership skills. You have a proven track record of in vivo phamacology and drug expertise in the field of drug development. You earned your merrits either in an academic research facility, or in a biotech or pharmaceutical ...
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Duty Officer
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Manchmal die Modifikation der Suchkriterien kann auch helfen.
Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 12. August 2017 erzugt.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 274 Arbeitsangebote, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen fast 75,1% fűr die Suchergebnisse Duty Officer sind ohne Bilder.
Die populäre Lokaliesierung sind: Nufringen, Heidenrod.
Personen, die das Ergebnis Duty Officer beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geguckt: rechtswesen erding, Fachaltenpfleger Palliativ und Hospizpflege.
Die populärsten Suchparameter: Produktion/ Produktionsplanung, Informationstechnologie (IT).
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Angebote fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: Schnorr GmbH, Alaiye Resort & SPA, MHG MEIER HANDELSVERTRETUNGSGES. mbH, Lewiko GmbH.