... industrial or process engineering or a comparable qualification Additionally you have several years of relevant professional experience in a job related position In handling of norms and condition like GMP|GDP, US FDA and EU EMEA ICH guidelines Good knowledge of ASTM E2500 Standard Guide for Specification, Design, and Verification of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Systems and Equipment Also you have knowledges in ISPE Baseline Guide 5 Commissioning and Qualification, ISPE GAMP V, A Risk Based Approach to Compliant GMP Computerized Systems and other ISPE C&Q relevant guidelines Ability to negotiate with other project team ...
... (13,65€ und 1.-€ Regionalzulage) Du kannst sofort starten, in Vollzeit Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen Eine Anstellung ganz in deiner Nähe MENSCHEN VERBINDEN, LEBEN VERBESSERN #werdeeinervonuns #werdeeinervonunspaketzusteller #paketzusteller2020 #paketzustellermuenchen Werde Paketzusteller bei DHL in Ottobrunn. Deine Aufgaben als Paketzusteller bei uns Auslieferung von Paketsendungen Heben von Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg Zustellung mit einem unserer Geschäftsfahrzeuge Du begegnest täglich netten Menschen und bist an fünf Werktagen in der Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) mit unseren modernen Fahrzeugen unterwegs. Jede Lieferung kommt ...
... We are located with easy access to the city center and the train station. Modern offices, state of the art laboratories/clean room, collaborative workspaces and a café make for an enjoyable work experience. Job responsibilities: Support in the development of High Voltage and High Power components Simulation and Verification of High Voltage transformers Testing the communication with ADCs and DACs Development of digital control for High Voltage power supply (Possibility for Master Thesis) Our requirements and your profile: Experience with high power components (MosFET, IGBT) Good understanding about digital and analog electronic components ...
... Supply Chain oder Luft- und Raumfahrt - mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in dem Bereich Qualitätsmanagement - vertiefte Anwendungskenntnisse in MS-Office und SAP - sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischsprachkenntnisse - other languages are nice to have - practical experience with design, development, verification and validation of flight electronic Systems highly appreciated Soft skills: - Ability to understand the challenges of the Orion ESM program beyond the scope of the own work and take those challenge into account in the execution of the own work - Person with self-assurance and the ability to make decisions independently - Affinity for a ...
... - Analyse der Anforderungen (Requirements) und Unterstützung bei der Projektakquise mittels Aufwandsabschätzung (Zeit, Kosten, Ressourcen, Risiken, Terminplanung) - Definition und Erstellung der Teststrategie in Abstimmung mit den entsprechenden Testkoordinatoren (Environmental Tests (Design Verification / Product Validation), Product System Test, Product Integration Test, Electrical Engineering Test, Mechanical Engineering Test, Software Test) - Verantwortlich für die Abstimmung der Teststrategie mit den Projektschnittstellen (Project Management, Production, Product Integration, Software, Hardware, Mechanics) - Unterstützung des ...
... of the Acceptance Standard Document and ASTA Declaration of Design and Performance as part of the contractual documentation - Support the Type Acceptance process and Nations Individual Acceptance process - Perform traceability analysis and compliance assessments - Perform other tasks as required to support validation, verification and qualification of the ASTA Product - Depending on project priorities, provide support to other engineering disciplines for Development, Integration, Engineering Tests, and Acceptance Tests of avionic subsystems and associated test reports - Attend the required meetings (on site or at other premises), when ...
... Contribute to the implementation of process improvements across engineering areas As a secondary role, support the Acceptance Team in the following tasks: - Support the production and maintenance of System Design, System Safety, Acceptance and Test Documents as required - Perform other tasks as required to support validation, verification and qualification of the ASTA Product - Depending on project priorities, provide support to other engineering disciplines for Development, Integration, Engineering Tests, and Acceptance Tests - Attend the required meetings (on site or at other premises), when specifically required Your profile: - Engineering degree ...
Tasks: - Control and evaluation of the HW/SW development life cycle including milestone reviews for the products - Control and evaluation of the verification and validation process of product life cycle data and the related tools for development and qualification of the product - Preparation of Quality Management Plan (QAP) - Perform Key Performance Indicator compilation - Input for the SPEC definition and coordination of QM part with the PMO and development department - Preparation of relevant Inputs to the PDR and CDR development reviews and evaluate corrective actions for the both reviews - Check of the quality-assurance measures as defined - ...
... Your skills: - Degree in Engineering (e.g. Aerospace Engineering) - Professional experience in the fields of Aerospace and Quality Management - Knowledge of the following fields/tools: - Eurofighter Weapon System and relevant procedures - Development processes (Hardware and Software) in general - EN9100 - Validation/verification of environmental requirements - Qualification and certification of companies and products - Type certification requirements - Inservice processes - Technical Publications (Vorschriften für Betrieb und Materialerhaltung) - CPM (Customer Product Management) - MS Office - Business fluent German and English skills Unser ...
... - Support the coordination of Flight Test (FT) activities on behalf of the A400M Defensive Aids Sub-System (DASS) Design Office (DO) with the A400M Flight Test Center (in Sevilla) - Interface to Flight Test Center to prepare Test Flights and supported by the DASS DO system design and Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) teams as well as local MAP representatives in Sevilla - Acting as second source for FAL Ground Test (GT) support by interface to FAL Engineering on behalf of DASS DO to answer queries and update and provide production and final flight clearance Global Technical Regulations (GTRs) for FAL based on ...
... die Systembeschränkungen berücksichtigen und mit dem Ziel der Wiederverwendung vorhandener Elemente - Pflege und Weiterentwicklung von Software Code und SW Architekturen - Analyse von System Problem Reports und die Korrektur von SW Fehlerzuständen - Erstellung von Testfällen im Rahmen von SW Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Aktivitäten und Durchführung der Tests - Bei Bedarf Unterstützung von Aktivitäten auf höherer Ebene (Anforderungenanalyse, Design, Integration, Verifikation und Validierung) zur Sicherstellung von Umsetzbarkeit und Effizienz der Gesamtentwicklung - Bei Bedarf Objektorientiertes Design/Modellierung mit UML2 - ...
... on component / equipment / mechanical / software level during while implementation phase, including responsibility for integration, verification and validation. - Deliver the design, drawings, schematics, prototype, SW module delegated to, as per Work - Package description. - Manage version control of various ... analysis have to performed and monitor the execution of it. - Draw conclusions / recommendations based on the analysis performed. - Ensure testing and validation of the delegated Work package is performed. - Gather and maintain all necessary documentation related to the delegated Work Package. Der/die Stelleninhaber/in ...
... and troubleshooting of the IT infrastructure - Perform IT network monitoring, back-up and restore of workstations and servers - Troubleshooting clients, server and software - Supporting implementation of IT concepts - IT solutions enhancements and improvements - Counseling and supporting internal departments - Verification and Validation tests; analyze functional and technical requirements documentation and translate it into detailed test cases - Prepare the acceptance test procedures according to contracts and/or system V&V strategy - Plan and perform testing, record the test reports, debug and track defects - Monitor the Factory Acceptance ...
... in the "Simulation & Tools". Its mission is to provide and support efficient and innovative Simulation & Test Means mainly to the Design Office. These means are used for the Validation & Verification of the Helicopter's development: - Early Concept-Validation with fully virtualized Helicopter + Environment - Design Validation with Simulation Cockpits - Software Verification with desktop simulations - System Verification with partially real System parts (H/W-in-the-loop: Helicopter-Zero, Test Rigs) - Customer Support with Training Simulators for troubleshooting, maintenance training, or pilot training - Flight ...
... the Liquid Propulsion Department of Bremen is looking for engineers (d/f/m) to reinforce the propulsion team. You will contribute to the qualification, the verification and the production of the ULPM. The following tasks are within the main field of the job positions: - ULPM Propulsion System qualification and validation - Propulsion System Performance verification in accordance to the requirements - Using /developing the engineering models needed for the design, qualification and verification of the propulsion system - Participation in the qualification test of the stage - Contributing to the ULPM documentation - Active participation to key-points ...
... architects team. The jobholder (f/m/d) has to do the following tasks: - Identification of stakeholder and their needs and expectations - Elicting and validation of requirements whilst considering the complete system lifecycle - Design and Definition of possible architectures, in collaboration with specialists, based on the requirements - Performence of trade-off analysis in order to select the best solution fulfilling the requirements - Validation of architectures - Verification of the implementation - Perform operational and in-service evaluation - Understanding and assessment of the impact of design changes requested during the entire product ...
... solutions and choose the best solution - Ability to understand user workflows and define SW and GUI solutions using specific technologies to support and enhance different steps throughout the mission data production - Preparation and execution of software tests to satisfy the different levels of verification and validation - Integration of activities in the Software Development Lifecycle. - Develop according to Software Development Plan and accompanied Standards Ihr Profil: - Studium: Informatik - Berufserfahrung: IT / Informationssysteme, Experience with object-oriented programming skills in Java is required, Experience in database and data ...
Our client, a Switzerland-based group active in the development and production of automation solutions for manufacturers world-wide is looking for a Validation Engineer. Votre nouvel employeur vous offre les responsabilités suivantes: - Helping project teams during the design phase - Ensuring design documentation is kept up to date throughout the project - Leading risk analysis meetings, internal and external reviews - Leading verification activities - Supporting other departments with validation-related topics - Proposing continuous improvements in your area of competency Vous offrez à votre futur employeur les qualifications suivantes: - An Engineer ...
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verification validation ottobrunn
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Manchmal die Ȁnderung der Suchkriterien kann auch helfen.
Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 6. August 2017 aktualisiert.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 324 Arbeitsanzeigen, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen gegen 72,7% fűr die Suchergebnisse verification validation ottobrunn sind ohne Bilder.
Die populäre Lokaliesierung sind: Bad Bergzabern, Kuppenheim, Cloppenburg, Bad Wurzach, Planegg.
Personen, die das Ergebnis verification validation ottobrunn beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geguckt: elektrotechnik techniker meister, verkaufer schortens, 3d visualisierung design stuttgart.
Die populärsten Suchparameter: Elektrik/ Elektronik/ Elektrotechnik.
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Anzeigen fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: VESCON GmbH, MEDI CINE Akademie, D-Event GmbH.