... Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Paraplegiologie, Orthopädie, Neurologie, Innere Medizin, Gefäßchirurgie und Psychiatrie. Modern ausgestattete Radiologie- und Anästhesieabteilungen sowie fachübergreifende Kompetenzzentren ergänzen das medizinische Angebot. Die Klinik ist Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Heidelberg. Wir gehören zur SRH Kliniken GmbH, einem der führenden privaten Klinikträger mit zwölf Akut- und sechs Rehakliniken sowie einer Vielzahl an Medizinischen Versorgungszentren. Mehr als 10.000 Mitarbeiter betreuen jährlich 1,15 Millionen Patienten. In unserem Zentrum für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Orthopädie und Traumatologie behandeln ...
... and logistics teams' business needs for temporary hourly paid support. You will work in partnership with external staffing providers to ensure that labor supply is set up and tailored to demand. This role will be based in any Amazon Delivery Station. Focus will be on the delivery station network (AMZL). Essential Duties ... and processing of invoices · Understand and have involvement in Workforce Planning requirements- ensure planning team is kept up to date with current labor supply · Full ownership and responsibility for ensuring compliance to DE and EU legislation in relation to agency workers · Monitor consistency with Employee Relations issues ...
... Media user, genuinely excited to help your community and are an expert in your field of Vietnamese language studies? Then join our new team and help us to ensure excellent service standards while making a difference in the world! For our Content Labelling Team in Essen we are currently looking for Vietnamese Language Specialist / Linguist (m/f/d) for a Social Media Project Overview of tasks: Train an artificial intelligence (AI), to detect text based policy violations automatically Coach our Content Labelling Team about ambiguous expressions and semantics Support our Content Labelling Team professionally during the daily business Categorize ...
... have developed at out international sites. Next to that we are responsible for the distribution for the drugs all over Europe. This all happens in a GDP environment. Role Description The recruitment team is responsible for all departments in Breda. This varies from Supply Chain to Finance, IT to commercial, from Quality to HR. Responsibilities - You are responsible for the full recruitment processes - Contact the managers to collect job information - Use different sourcing tools to find the right candidates - Screen CVs - Book interviews with ...
CENIS is an owner-managed specialist engineering recruitment company, providing high-quality technical engineering and personnel services. With over 30 years' expertise matching candidates with permanent and temporary work in the engineering and technical industry mainly in automotive, aviation, electronics and other blue ... our customer in Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel and will be responsible for collecting documentation to create a database that allows to forecast material demands for the supply chain. Role and responsibilities: - Create software to monitor the spare parts consumption at airline level - Develop a platform to manage material support for ...
... in namhaften Unternehmen der Luftfahrt. Für ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Medizintechnik in Hamburg suchen wir schnellstmöglich einen Marketingssistenten (m/w) AUFGABEN - Koordination der Produkteinführung - Koordination der Einführung und Abstimmung mit allen beteiligten Abteilungen (z.B. Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Ausfuhrkontrolle etc.) - Anstoßen der Teileerstellung in SAP - Effizente Kommunikation bezüglich des aktuellen Einführungsstatus sicherstellen - Preislistenmanagement - Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Preislisten in Excel - Koordination von Preislistenimplementierungen -und aktualisierungen in SAP - Analyse von ...
CENIS is an owner-managed specialist engineering recruitment company, providing high-quality technical engineering and personnel services. With over 30 years' expertise matching candidates with permanent and ... job: You are supporting our customer in Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel being accountable for managing material supply, quality and logistics during repair projects. Role and responsibilities: - Ensure proper order management ... across the organization (such as procurement, ordering, production, warehouse) - Utilize the internal supply chain department and transport logistic provider for arrangements of special transports - Initiate and follow up ...
CENIS is an owner-managed specialist engineering recruitment company, providing high-quality technical engineering and personnel services. With over 30 years' ... job: You are supporting our customer in Buxtehude and are working for the Supply Management for Cabin Electronic parts. Role and responsibilities: - Perform ... are present to place the purchase orders on time and quality - Monitor Supply Chain performance on daily basis and maintain regular contact with suppliers - ... unresolved issues and recurring or persistent risks - Support optimization of Supply Chain processes by considering Lean Management methods Job requirements: - Completed ...
... and associated Packaging Services. A dedicated professional team ensure the highest standards are pursued at all stages of development. Combined with a vertically-integrated supply chain model that provides development & manufacturing expertise spanning the complete GMP, translating into high-value products. Role Description As a Quality Assurance Specialist you will join the product complaints and surveillance department which is in charge of performing the necessary investigations for commercial and clinical products. Responsibilities - ...
... devices. Role Description In this role you will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of various master data within the supply chain team in SAP and OMP+ systems. Furthermore, you will also perform impact and feasibility analysis to ensure that processes can proceed ... Degree - Experience as an end user with SAP, OMP+ or equivalent - Experience in manageging Master Data - Affinity with Supply Chain processes - Previous exposure to Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical and/or Biotech environments - Excellent communications in English Are you ...
... The Company One of the largest innovators in the food branch, bringing the ingredients to home's worldwide. Role Description The main purpose of this role is to secure the food safety and quality standards of the company You will be the liaison within the supply chain and internal departments on relevant quality related matters. You will also be responsible for ensuring that products and processes meet standards set by both the company and regulatory law rules. Responsibilities Cooperating closely with the Quality Managers/Technical support ...
... - Ensure the distribution pf pharmaceutical goods on the global arena - Process supply orders on daily basis - Handle import and export documentation - Monitor shipments and respond ... with 3PL and other members of supply chain Requirements - Either a Master's Degree or Bachelor's Degree + 2 years of experience in Supply Chain - Excellent communications skills in ... Russian and/or Hebrew are a big plus - Previous experience in Customer Service or Supply Chain - Good computer skills and knowledge of SAP or other ERP systems Are you interested and do ...
CENIS is an owner-managed specialist engineering recruitment company, providing high-quality technical engineering and personnel services. With over 30 years' expertise matching candidates with permanent and temporary work in the engineering and technical industry mainly in automotive, aviation, electronics and other blue ... and warranty claims Job requirements: - Completed degree in business management - Several years of relevant professional experience in procurement and Supply Chain/Logistics - Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously - Sound knowledge of MS-Office and SAP - Willingness and ability to work with people across the ...
... v.a. Bestellmanagement sowie Kundenpflege - Aufzeigen von Optimierungspotenzialen sowie Umsetzung und Begleitung von Prozessänderungen und Verbesserungsmaßnahmen Ihr Profil: Studium: - Betriebswirtschaft mind. Meister oder - Supply Chain / Logistics mind. Meister Berufserfahrung: - Kundenservice/ Customer Service mind. über 2 Jahre - Supply Chain / Logistics mind. über 2 Jahre - Vertrieb mind. über 1 Jahr - im Bereich Auftragsmanagement in der Luftfahrt von Vorteil IT: - MS-Office mind. vertiefte Anwendungskenntnis - SAP mind. vertiefte Anwendungskenntnis Sprachkenntnisse: - Deutsch mind. verhandlungssicher - Englisch mind. ...
... antidepressants and a range of inhalations products. This company has all disciplines in-house for product development. With a dedicated professional team, the highest standards are pursued in the areas of Registration, Quality, Pharmacological and Supply Chain. Role Description As QA Specialist you will support and report to the QA Manager by performing independent activities in the field of Quality Assurance. Perform internal audits, Batch reviews, change and CAPA, update SMF and SOP's. Additionally supervising Contract Manufacturing and ...
... and associated Packaging Services. A dedicated professional team ensure the highest standards are pursued at all stages of development. Combined with a vertically-integrated supply chain model that provides development & manufacturing expertise spanning the complete GMP, translating into high-value products. Role Description As Senior Quality Assurance Specialist within the onsite team you will ensure that all products are manufactured in accordance with GMP. Develop GMP training packages and delivery of training. Working with the reporting ...
... of our vacant position below. Responsiblities In Hamburg-Fuhlsbuettel, you will work as a Customer Order Specialist with the goal of finding favorable solutions for customers "Aircraft On Ground" material ... - Securing a daily monitoring of the Supply Chain 's performance Your profile: Completed degree in: - Business Engineering - at least bachelor-degree or - Supply Chain / Logistics - at least bachelor-degree Work ... - at least over 2 years - Purchase - at least over 2 years - Customer Service - at least over 2 years - Supply Chain / Logistics - at least over 2 years IT: - MS-Office - at least detailed knowledge - SAP/MM-PP - at least ...
... and associated Packaging Services. A dedicated professional team ensure the highest standards are pursued at all stages of development. Combined with a vertically-integrated supply chain model that provides development & manufacturing expertise spanning the complete cGMP, translating into high-value products. Role Description As Senior Quality Assurance Specialist within the onsite team you will ensure that all products are manufactured in accordance with cGMP. Develop GMP training packages and delivery of training. Working with the reporting ...
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supply chain specialist heidelberg
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Manchmal die Ȁnderung der Suchkriterien kann auch helfen.
Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 19. August 2017 erzugt.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 3135 Arbeitsanzeigen, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen fast 75,4% fűr die Anfrage supply chain specialist heidelberg sind ohne Bilder.
Die populärsten Stadtplätze sind: Gutach im Breisgau, Wittenburg, Blender, Attendorn.
Personen, die das Ergebnis supply chain specialist heidelberg beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geguckt: vollzeit mainhausen, bau fahren.
Die häufigsten Suchparameter: Franchise.
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Anzeigen fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: XYROS Gruppe, 4Funentertainment, Praxis für Zahnheilkunde - Dr. Heinzel MSc, Dr. Lambrich MSc, Fr. Dr. Schreiber, Dr. Karle, Travanto Travel GmbH & Co.KG.