: . : . : (1-100). Good evening Mr Darwin,My name is Felix Meisenberg and i am 19 years old. Im currently studying Sport & Event management at the UE Iserlohn. i would like to learn spanish because i think it could be important for my future job. Unfortunately i'm a beginner and only had 1 year of spanish in school. But i am a very hard-working person. Would you help me along? : . . , . . . : , . . . : . . . .
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The Westwing mission is to inspire and make every home a beautiful home. We are on a quest to bring the wonders of eCommerce for home & living to our more than 1 million active customers in 11 countries. In only 9 years on the market, we have grown to more than 267 million Euros in annual revenue. More importantly, the opportunity ahead of us is massive. The Westwing team is the secret to our success. Our more than 1,500 team members balance creativity and style with innovative technology and strong business fundamentals. We are proud to be working with inspiring colleagues who are smart, fun, ambitious, and looking for the challenge to ...
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