
customer application engineer nürnberg

BWI GmbH :: Rheinbach, North Rhine-Westphalia :: seit über 30 Tagen

Sorgen Sie gemeinsam mit uns für die digitale Zukunftsfähigkeit unseres Landes. Als IT-Systemhaus der Bundeswehr und IT-Dienstleister des Bundes bieten wir umfassende IT-Services aus einer Hand. Mit über 5.000 Mitarbeiterinnen zählen wir zu den zehn größten IT-Service-Providern Deutschlands. Wir suchen authentische IT-Liebhaberinnen, die ihre Leidenschaft mit uns teilen wollen, auf der Suche nach anspruchsvollen IT-Herausforderungen sind und Deutschlands IT gestalten möchten. Der Bereich Shared Service Delivery (SSD) ist das Herzstück des Chief Operating Office (COO) und hat die Aufgabe, einen störungs- und unterbrechungsfreien Betrieb unter ...

WALDNER Holding GmbH & Co. KG :: Wangen im Allgäu, Baden-Württemberg :: seit über 30 Tagen

IT ERP Application Consultant SAP FI/CO (m/w/d) WALDNER Holding GmbH & Co. KG Wangen im Allgäu Analysen, Redesgin und Optimierung der Geschäftsprozesse auf Basis von Best-Practice Ansätzen; Erstellung von ... Erstellung von Lösungsanforderungen;... erfolgreich durch leidenschaft seit über 100 jahren it erp application consultant sap fi/co (m/w/d) ist ein süddeutsches familienunternehmen und eine weltweit agierende ... dach die operativen firmen hermann laboreinrichtungen und hohenloher ihre aufgaben: als application consultant sap fi/co (m/w/d) wirken sie mit bei der konzeption und entwicklung von geschäfts­prozessen innerhalb des ...

Miele & Cie. KG :: Gütersloh, North Rhine-Westphalia :: seit über 30 Tagen

Ihre Aufgabe Als IT Spezialist im Bereich Content und Knowledge Management berätst du die IT Architekten im Hinblick auf sinnvolle oder erforderliche Änderungen in der IT-Architektur insbesondere mit Blick auf Customer Service Content Du übernimmst verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben im genannten Themenbereich, wie z.B. Projektmanagement, Demand und Change Responsible IT In enger Abstimmung mit den beteiligten IT- und Fachbereichen und unseren Software-Lieferanten erstellst du Spezifikationen und stellst deren Umsetzung sicher Du unterstützt im IT Betrieb im 2nd- / 3rd-Level der relevanten Anwendungen und koordinierst erforderliche Maßnahmen mit unseren ...

Poolside AG :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Informatik/Telekommunikation Berufe: Engineering - Maschinen-/Anlagebau/Produktion Online seit: 29.11.2017 Arbeitsbeginn: ab sofort Pensum: 100% Arbeitsort: Horgen Stellenbeschreibung: For our customer, a market leading manufacturer of specialist software for the building services industry, we are looking for a Software ... of the project will be measured. Contributes to the continuous improvement of these processes. Works with the project team, with the application domain experts (e.g., application engineers, technical marketing) and possibly with the customers, to establish achievable requirements. Works with the project team to ...

nomiko e.V. :: Nürnberg, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... of test plans, test case development and test status - Be involved in End-to-End testing of all Nokia Saving Lives Technology concept parts, including Drones, LTE Network and Server equipment - Collaborate with engineering teams to uncover ambiguities in the solution implementation, analyse incoming issues from Demo & Customer deployments, determine reproducibility and conditions under which the issue occurs, and provide guidance towards resolving the issue - Ensure product quality through continuous testing and refinement of test cases - Support preparation of Trial and Demo events for Nokia Saving Lives Deployments Required skills: - ...

Philotech GmbH :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Acceptance Test Manuals (ATMs) for aircraft functionality, environment simulation and ancilliaries - Harmonise and coordinate ATM production and the internal/customer review process - Perform ATM Test planning and perform acceptance testing - Define the Acceptance Criteria and necessary support for test strategies with APO and ... in training systems/simulators and/or aircraft systems engineering and design - Appreciation of: - Aircraft and simulator relevant data and its operational application - Aircraft display and control systems and other mission relevant avionics - Good command of English both written and spoken Unser Angebot: Als ...

Siegwerk Druckfarben AG & Co. KGaA :: Siegburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen :: seit über 30 Tagen

... improvement programme; assisting clients with implementation and the long-term application and realisation of measures - Compiling all necessary documents on working ... solutions, customised for individual clients, for use by Siegwerk employees at customer companies - Pinpointing potential for improvement to raise performance and ... complemented by advanced qualifications (master craftsman, technician, engineer or similar) - Several years relevant experience in the printing industry and/or ... packaging (flexographic and/or gravure printing) - Familiarity with the application and implementation of continuous improvement tools (lean management, Six Sigma, ...

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Heinkel Group :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... for a:Senior Software Developer (f/m) BeschreibungThe jobholder works as Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Engineer Data Analysis and is responsible for the following tasks: - Development of logistically relevant design ... skills and the ability to give professional presentations to all levels of management - Service and customer orientated person with high sense of responsibility and considerable diplomatic skills in connection with a ... Days-off - Regular employee events Have we aroused your interest? Then please send us your resume and references until the 13.12.2017, so that we can ensure that your application will be considered in the selection process.

Heinkel Group :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... and Space GmbH in Manching we are currently looking (limited until 31.12.2018) for a:Software Integration Engineer (f/m) Mission Support Systems Beschreibung - Execution of Integration Tests of the integrated system on ... analysis of requirements) - Verification of contractually obliged customer requirements, system requirements and software requirements - Ensure customer satisfaction as well as compliance with internal and external rules ... Days-off - Regular employee events Have we aroused your interest? Then please send us your resume and references until the 13.12.2017, so that we can ensure that your application will be considered in the selection process.

Duesenberg GmbH :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

Die Duesenberg GmbH ist ein aufstrebender Ingenieursdienstleister aus Nürnberg. Unsere Kernkompetenz ist die qualifizierte Engineering- Dienstleistung sowie die Vermittlung von Ingenieuren und IT-Experten innerhalb Europas. ... für unseren renommierten Kunden in der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik in Manching eine/n Flight Mechanics Engineer (f/m) 1066 Ihre Aufgaben: - Preparation of associated models of the Flight Control System - Verification of ... the ability to perform professional presentations in front of auditories of all levels - Service and customer orientated person with high sense of responsibility and considerable diplomatic skills in connection with a good ...

TTP Germany AG :: Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... Engineer is the execution of SAP Benchmarks like the SAP BW edition for SAP HANA Standard ... for sizing of customer bids and support performance assessment for customer go-lives Position ... MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, or Oracle) and application systems (SAP) - English fluent, German ... of client/server architecture, application server optimization, database optimization, ... and JAVA as an application layers - Familiar with system administration, application server ... e.g. Linux or SAP Kernel updates, application of SAP patches (transports, SPS) etc Bonus ... - Understanding of SAP Cloud for Customer solution and application architecture - Experience with ...


... this success story together. The Role We are looking for a highly motivated engineer specializing in security monitoring, detection and incident response to defend ... and service teams. Today we remotely identify potential vehicle issues before a customer doesand often fix problems remotely too. To this end information and product ... against our corporate, manufacturing and production environments. As a Detection Engineer, you will defend Tesla by helping to build and run a comprehensive threat ... domains such as intrusion detection, incident response, malware analysis, application security, and forensics. Experience detecting abuse and large-scale attacks in ...

swisselect ag :: seit über 30 Tagen

On behalf of our customer located in the Basel region we are searching for a highly motivated and flexible Responsibilities - Automation design and programming according to process definition and company standards - Prepare budgets for Automation parts of new projects - Prepare Automation specifications - Support Procurement for ... Willing and able to work evenings and weekends while on travel. If you are interested in this challenging role and able to contribute, please provide your application documents either via our online portal or directly to Dr. Louise Duerr at [Apply online] All applications will be treated in strict confidence and receive a ...

CENIS Consulting-Engineering-Service GmbH :: Bremen, Bremen :: seit über 30 Tagen

... at CENIS in a position in your field? Check out the following job: You will support our customer in Bremen as a Quality Engineer (f/m). Role and responsibilities: - The quality engineering for the development of ... Review Board (NRB) process in close collaboration with subcontractors, internal partners and the final customer - The monitoring of the manufacturing, integration and test activities with audits, Mandatory/Key ... verbal and written, Basics in French We are looking forward to receiving your application! Please apply online or send us your application by email. Also tell us your earliest possible starting date as well as your salary ...

CENIS Consulting-Engineering-Service GmbH :: Hamburg, Hamburg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... sharp, than working at CENIS in a position in your field? Check out the following job: You will support our customer in Hamburg-Finkenwerder and will be responsible for ensuring delivery and justification of provisioning ... - Perform relevant analysis and investigation to develop a material prediction and recommendation for customer - Assure the availability of provisioning and spare parts data and the respective documentation including ... skills both verbal and written We are looking forward to receiving your application! Please apply online or send us your application by email. Also tell us your earliest possible starting date as well as your salary ...

CENIS Consulting-Engineering-Service GmbH :: Hamburg, Hamburg :: seit über 30 Tagen

... the relevant analysis and investigations to develop a material prediction and recommendation for a given customer or event. Role and responsibilities: - Define the required part forecasting for customers and provide ... marketing and customers and establish spares investment forecasts for requestors - Support all internal and customer material management seminars with provisioning expertise Job requirements: - Completed degree in mechanical ... - Readiness to travel occasionally We are looking forward to receiving your application! Please apply online or send us your application by email. Also tell us your earliest possible starting date as well as your salary ...

CENIS Consulting-Engineering-Service GmbH :: Manching, Bayern :: seit über 30 Tagen

... über uns zu besetzenden, nachfolgend detailliert beschriebenen Position. You will support our customer, a listed technology group, on site in Manching. Role and responsibilities: - Development of logistically relevant ... and the ability to give professional presentations to all levels of management - Service and customer orientated person with high sense of responsibility and considerable diplomatic skills in connection with a good ... of MS-Office, Oracle and SQL - Willingness and ability to work with people across the globe - Strong English and German communication skills both verbal and written We are looking forward to receiving your application!

SIRE Life Sciences :: seit über 30 Tagen
SIRE Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical - Software & Application Development Noord-Brabant, Netherlands SIRE® is the market leader in Life ... and remotely. Responsibilities The Software Engineer ensures that these systems comply with corporate ... compliance and quality assurance teams. The engineer is responsible for the product and process artifacts and ... Experience with JSON/XML programming Acts with a customer service-mentality serving internal and external customers ... do want to apply for this role, please fill out your application via the apply button below and contact Natasa Trivic.

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Weitere Informationen und Statistiken zur Suche: customer application engineer nürnberg

Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 25. August 2017 aktualisiert.

In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 145041 Arbeitsangebote, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.

Die meisten Anzeigen gegen 85,8% fűr die Anfrage customer application engineer nürnberg sind ohne Bilder.

Die populärsten Lokaliesierung sind: Schwelm, Freren.

Personen, die das Ergebnis customer application engineer nürnberg beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geschaut: bau montage dresden, consulting unternehmen essen, team quierschied.

Die populärsten Suchparameter: Hotel/ Gastronomie/ Kantine.

Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Anzeigen fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: CruiseVision TV GmbH, Dr. med. dent Christine Butzmann, swisselect ag lausanne, MyDagis GmbH.