... Fielmann attraktive Perspektiven. ZENTRALE HAMBURG IT Helpdesk Agent (w/m/d) 1st Level Support mit italienischen Sprachkenntnissen Das erwartet Sie Steuerung Service Management Tool, Dispatching & Clearing Anwendersupport durch sofortige telefonische Betreuung in Soft- und Hardwarefragen und ggf. Weiterleitung an nachgelagerte ... der eingesetzten Hard- und Software im Unternehmensumfeld Kenntnisse aus den Bereichen Softwareverteilung, Active Directory, Security Lösungen, Service Management Tools und ITIL hohes Maß an Kunden- und Serviceorientierung ausgeprägte Teamfähigkeit, analytisches Denken, strukturierte Arbeitsweise und starke ...
Technischer Produktbetreuer (m/w/d) im Service Jetzt bewerben! Die Anton Paar ProveTec GmbH ... Produktbetreuer (m/w/d) im Service Anton Paar ProveTec GmbH | Blankenfelde-Mahlow Als ... Kolleg(inn)en im weltweiten Service-Netzwerk (1st-Level-Support) mit Ihrem Know-how und Ihrem ... Betreuung des weltweiten Service- und Vertriebsnetzes Reparaturen im Haus oder vor Ort ... und Erstellung von Servicedokumenten und -videos Unterstützung der Servicetechniker bei ... Inbetriebnahmen bzw. Service- oder Wartungseinsätzen beim Kunden per Fernkommunikation, fallweise ... bzw. als Service-Techniker wünschenswert Kundenorientierte Persönlichkeit und ...
Lagerhelfer (m/w/d) Perfekt für Jobeinstieg Shuttle Service zum Flughafen Leipzig/Halle Die Gi Group ist ein international agierender Personaldienstleister mit mehr als 500 Standorten in 40 Ländern. Deine Aufgaben Du bist als Lagerhelfer verantwortlich für die Einlagerung und Umsortierung versandfertiger Pakete Mittels Handscanner scannst und vermerkst Du diese als "ankommend" oder "gelagert" Die Pakete werden von Dir nach entsprechenden Postleitzahlen für den weiteren Versand vorbereitet Dein Profil Als Lagerhelfer benötigst Du keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse, eine ausführliche Einarbeitung erfolgt vor Ort Du sprichst gutes Deutsch ...
Herzlich willkommen bei career people, dem Spezialisten in der Personalvermittlung von Fach- und Führungskräften im Bereich Medizin & Pflege. Wir gewährleisten eine ganz persönliche Betreuung und Beratung, Diskretion entlang des gesamten Bewerbungsprozesses sowie 30 Jahre Erfahrungen und dies kosten- und risikofrei! Für unseren ... telefonisch unter 0211/ 336750-15 oder über unser Bewerbungsformular unter http://career-people.de/bewerbung-medizin- pflege/. Gerne können Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen auch direkt per Mail unter Jetzt bewerben an uns senden. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen auch mit unserem WhatsApp-Service zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen uns unter: ...
Herzlich willkommen bei career people, dem Spezialisten in der Personalvermittlung von Fach- und Führungskräften im Bereich Medizin & Pflege. Wir gewährleisten eine ganz persönliche Betreuung und Beratung, Diskretion entlang des gesamten Bewerbungsprozesses sowie 30 Jahre Erfahrungen und dies kosten- und risikofrei! Für unsere ... Bei Interesse bewerben Sie sich telefonisch unter 0511-123 138 21 oder über unser Bewerbungsformular unter http://career-people.de/bewerbung-medizin- pflege/. Gerne können Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen auch direkt per E-Mail unter Jetzt bewerben an uns senden oder Sie nutzen unserem WhatsApp-Service unter: 01525/ 2190731.
... - Overall responsibility for planning, executing and monitoring daily operations of Corporate Action Processing (both mandatory and voluntary) in line with agreed Service Level Agreements - Ensure efficient cooperation with other Banking Operations units - Maintain regular contact with the clients for corporate actions issues ... process and IT outsourcing for the financial industry - You will have the opportunity to enhance your skills and progress in your development in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Adliswil (Zürich) or Bioggio (Lugano)
... hand in hand with some of the worlds leading automotive manufacturers and suppliers. We are dedicated to providing the uppermost level of quality standards and service within a highly competitive industry and support our clients in the Development phase in Project Management, Engineering, Business and Data Management. In your ... - Fluency in written and oral English A position at KCiG offers much more than just a job! - Highly competitive remuneration. - Personally focused international career development opportunities. - Direct experience working with some of the worlds largest automotive manufacturers and Industry leaders. - Access to further training ...
... automotive manufacturers and suppliers. With offices in the UK, Germany and Spain, we are dedicated to providing the uppermost level of quality standards and service within a highly competitive industry. We support our clients in relevant areas in Product Development: in Project Management, Engineering, Business and Data ... German skills would be advantagous A position at KCiG offers much more than just a job! - Highly competitive remuneration. - Personally focused international career development opportunities. - Direct experience working with some of the worlds largest automotive manufacturers and Industry leaders. - Access to further training ...
... Responsibilities: - Actively contribute to the management and evolution of the Avaloq Sourcing Product and Service Offering (Avaloq Sourcing Master) with the major focus on legal and regulatory requirements, applicable to ... to ensure the market alignment of the Avaloq Sourcing Product and Service Offering, both from the functional and service sides - Develop product and service definitions including their packaging, pricing as well as ... flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location can be either Lugano-Bioggio or Zurich-Adliswil (with 3 working days a week in Bioggio)
... and develop the HP Service Manager system - Evolve and manage the HP Service Catalogue - ... service level management components of the HP Service Management system - Customize the HP Service ... the business requirements - Integrate the HP Service Manager configuration management with HP CMDB, ... in development and deployment of the HP Service Manager in a large scale environment - ... of the HP Service Manager system - Competences in customizing the HP Service Manager forms ... to troubleshoot, resolve and support the HP Service Manager problems - Good written and verbal ... conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Pregassona - Lugano
... certificates and LDAPs - Very good competences in administration of J2EE Application Server (Weblogic, Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish) - Availability for on-call service and early/late shifts - Ability to work on multiple tasks and cope with strict deadlines - Team player with strong communication skills - Fluent in English and ... for the financial industry - You will have the opportunity to enhance your skills and progress in your development in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Pregassona or Nyon (with frequent trips to Pregassona)
Our client is a rapidly growing software as a service company backed by three of the top venture capital firms in the world. The world-leading insight platform has transformed the way businesses collect, analyze, and act on valuable insights that drive better decision-making. Our client offers a single insight platform that ... 1000 companies - Experience using Salesforce.com and Mac proficiency a plus . Die Personalberatung 3C ist nicht nur eine Marke, sondern ein Versprechen. 3C Career Consulting Company steht für die Besetzung hochkarätiger Fach- und Führungspositionen im internationalen Wettbewerb. Wir sind die Personalberatung für ...
... - Actively manage client relationship by communicating regularly and providing status updates on all outstanding issues managed by the Banking Operations Service Desk team - Autonomously process, investigate, analyse operational issues and provide prompt answers to the clients requests, guaranteeing a high resolution rate ... will join Switzerlands leader in business process and IT outsourcing for the financial industry - You will have the opportunity to enhance your skills and progress in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Zurich-Adliswil
... teams to define requirements and develop the HP Service Manager system - Evolve and manage the HP Service Catalogue - Continuously develop and deploy incident, ... of the HP Service Management system - Customize the HP Service Manager forms and workflows to meet the business requirements - Integrate the HP Service Manager ... of experience in development and deployment of IT Service Support Management Tools (ideally of the HP Service Manager) in a large scale environment - ITIL ... in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Lugano-Pregassona
... - Secure efficient client retention by securing/increasing clients satisfaction in terms of requests, offers and SLA implementation - Lead a virtual team of Service-/Solution Managers to support customer needs - Coordinate commercial proposals - Develop account plans: analyze and understand customer requirements, strategies, ... the opportunity to enhance your skills and progress in your development in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Zurich-Adliswil (alternative option is Lugano-Bioggio with at least 2 working days per week in Adliswil)
Pharmaceutical - Customer Service Netherlands SIRE® is the market leader in Life Sciences recruitment. We believe the recruitment market needs to ... Recruitment©, making sure we, or better yet, you find the right career!Our client is a professional Pharmaceutical organisation, based in ... Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands is looking for a new Customer Service Agent to join their team. Role Description As a Front Office employee ... skills in English, French and Dutch - 1-2 years of customer service experience - Excel and SAP knowledge is highly advantageous Heb je ...
Tasks and Responsibilities: - Overall responsibility for planning, executing and monitoring daily operations of Corporate Actions Processing, in line with Service Level Agreements - Ensure efficient cooperation with other Banking Operations units - Maintain regular contact with the clients for corporate actions issues Knowledge, ... - You will have the opportunity to enhance your skills and progress in your development in a dynamic, flexible and team-oriented environment - We offer you excellent conditions and the best outlook for an attractive career - Work location is Lugano-Bioggio or Zurich-Adliswil - A fixed-term contract is offered, till the end of 2017
... held European system software vendor with more than 500+ happy clients from the Fortune 5000. Its mission is to help IT departments transform the way they service and support business end-users. The software solution provides enterprise-wide, real-time analytics covering all endpoints, users, applications and network ... - Experience in management and motivation of direct reports in sales environments . Die Personalberatung 3C ist nicht nur eine Marke, sondern ein Versprechen. 3C Career Consulting Company steht für die Besetzung hochkarätiger Fach- und Führungspositionen im internationalen Wettbewerb. Wir sind die Personalberatung für ...
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Alle Informationen wurden zum letzten Mal am 30. Juli 2017 aktualisiert.
In Next-Jobs haben wir ungefähr 13528 Arbeitsanzeigen, die Suchkriteiren erfűllen.
Die meisten Anzeigen fast 94,5% fűr die Anfrage career service sind ohne Bilder.
Die populäre Stadtplätze sind: Mühldorf am Inn, Düren, Aldingen.
Personen, die das Ergebnis career service beobachtet haben, haben auch auf die folgenden Begriffe geguckt: berufserfahrung java sachsen, business development energy berlin, it internet ab frankfurt.
Die populärsten Suchparameter: Medienproduktion/ Medientechnik (Film, Funk, Fernsehen, Verlag).
Arbeitsvermittlungen, die Angebote fűr Ergebnisse veröffentlichen: No name, WENZA Deutschland AG, Griffiths Mobile Krankenpflege.