Senior HR Manager Europe (f/m/d)


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 5472496
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 20. November 2018, Klicks: 53



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

Frankfurt, Hessen
Constares GmbH

Allgemeine Beschreibung

office based in Frankfurt a.M. operating on a full-time work schedule.

The Senior HR Manager will drive and coordinate human resources initiatives, handle sensitive employee issues and closely collaborate with Corporate HR in order to guide the leadership team through the change management process.

Job duties:

- Oversight of the implementation of Human Resources programs through Human Resources staff including budget development and monitoring. Identification of opportunities for improvement and resolution of any discrepancies
- Oversight, management and development of a small team of direct reports in the European HR department
- Selection and supervision of HR consultants, attorneys, insurance brokers, pension administrators, and other outside sources
- Development of HR department goals, objectives, and systems
- Management and development of Human Resources Information Systems
- Partnering with management to communicate Human Resources policies, procedures, programs and laws
- Partnering with management in the implementation of a performance improvement process with under-performing employees
- Review, guidance, and approval of management recommendations for employment terminations
- Development and implementation of company safety and health programs
- Establishment of the company wage and salary structure, pay policies, and oversight of the variable pay systems within the company including bonuses and raises
- Driving competitive market research to establish pay practices and pay bands that help to recruit and retain staff
- With the assistance of the CFO, obtain cost-effective, employee serving benefits; monitor national benefits environment for options and cost savings
- Leading company compliance with all existing governmental and labor legal and government reporting requirements including Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) or GDPR
- Serve as the primary contact with the company employment law attorney and outside government agencies
- Protect the interests of employees and the company in accordance with company Human Resources policies and governmental laws and regulations
- Direct a process of organizational planning that evaluates company structure, job design, and personnel forecasting throughout the company
- Manage the company-wide committees including the wellness, training, environmental health and safety, activity, and culture and communications committees

Experience & skills:

- Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Human Resources, Business, Organization Development
- Several years of progressive experience in international Human Resources environment
- Broad knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, organizational planning, organization development, employee relations, safety, and training & development
- Above average oral and written communication skills
- Demonstrated ability to lead and develop Human Resources staff members
- Demonstrated ability to serve as a successful participant on the executive management team that provides company leadership and direction
- Demonstrated ability to interact effectively with the company Board of Directors
- General knowledge of various employment laws and practices
- Leader who can build effective relationships established on trust, respect, and confidence
- Demonstrated ability to make independent decisions and manage conflicting priorities in a fast-paced environment
- Proven track record to handle and maintain highly confidential information
- Demonstrated ability to deal directly with management to build consensus, establish trust, communicate effectively and drive culture change
- Fluent in English

What is offered:

- Employment with a dedicated, experienced team and a growing organization focusing on innovation and improvement of health and quality of life for patients with unmet medical needs
- Professional, international environment where you will have the opportunity for personal growth


We look forward to your application via our Online System. For further information, please reach out to Alina Kryzhanovskaya at +4989125039835.

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Es wurde veröffentlicht: 20. November 2018, Klicks: 53

Unternehmen: Constares GmbH

Arbeitsort: Frankfurt, Hessen

Zusätzliche Informationen:

Constares GmbH

Bewerbung als: Senior HR Manager Europe (f/m/d)

Vorname und Name:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre E-mail-Adresse:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre Nachricht:• Pflichtfeld •

Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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