Computer Scientist, Informatics Scientist - Machine Learning Algorithms, Drug Discovery Applications (m/f/d)


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 49126
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 12. April 2024, Klicks: 0



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

Göttingen, Lower Saxony
Evotec International GmbH

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Evotec is a leader in the discovery and development of novel pharmaceuticals with operational sites in Europe and the US. The company has built substantial drug discovery expertise and an industrialized platform that can drive new innovative drugs into the clinic. In addition, Evotec has built a deep internal knowledge-base for the treatment of diseases related to neuroscience, pain, oncology, inflammation, and metabolic diseases. Leveraging these skills and expertise, the company intends to develop best-in-class differentiated therapeutics and deliver superior science-driven discovery alliances with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

The Evotec Göttingen Research Informatics Department is looking for a highly motivated and dedicated

Informatics Scientist (f/m/d)
full-time and permanent
with a passion for data management, scientific computing and life sciences. As part of the Research Informatics, Scientific Data Management Group, you will provide support to Drug Discovery applications and Informatics projects and contribute to scientific projects data management.

Customize and implement novel machine learning algorithms tailored for medical Provide support to Drug Discovery applications to ensure business continuity (incident and operational issues solving, definition and implementation of change control)
Provide training and informatics support to the scientific community
Contribute to software implementation and integration projects
Implement and support custom Drug Discovery workflows for lab data processing, data analysis, data reporting, visualization and automation
Contribute to scientific projects data management ensuring data security, confidentiality and quality control
Interact constructively with other Research Informatics teams of Evotec Group and with external vendors and solution specialists of the domain.
Contribute to the consistency of the solution implemented with existing and future systems and its evolution over time
Communicate and present results internally and externally

Master degree or PhD in Computer Sciences or Science Engineer
A few years of experience in Computer Sciences and Data Management for Life Science
Handson experience on data manipulation using tools such Knime, R, Python
Ability to process data from drug discovery, in particular chemicals and biological data
Experience in scientific data analysis and statistics would be a plus
Strong inter-personal and communication skills (presentations, interdisciplinary collaboration), team orientated mindset
Pragmatism, ability to learn quickly, methodological rigor and autonomy
Fluent in English

A permanent position within a vigorous and exciting professional environment promoted by an open culture and a spirit of community
A diverse, international workforce with a dynamic working environment that fosters creativity, innovations and teamwork
Capital-forming benefits, holiday pay and annual bonus payment depending on performance

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Es wurde veröffentlicht: 12. April 2024, Klicks: 0

Unternehmen: Evotec International GmbH

Arbeitsort: Göttingen, Lower Saxony

Tätigkeitsbereich: Scientific

Zusätzliche Informationen:

Evotec International GmbH

Bewerbung als: Computer Scientist, Informatics Scientist - Machine Learning Algorithms, Drug Discovery Applications ...

Vorname und Name:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre E-mail-Adresse:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre Nachricht:• Pflichtfeld •

Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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